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What is information gathering By Hacker wasi

What is information Ghatering ...?

Information Gathering is the act of gathering different kinds of information.
Against the targeted victim or system. ... There are various tools, techniques, and websites, including public sources such as Whois, nslookup that can help hackers to gather information..

Information Gathering is the act of gathering different kinds of information against the targeted victim or system. It is the first step or the beginning stage of Ethical Hacking, where the penetration testers or hackers (both black hat or white hat) performed this stage; this is a necessary and crucial step to be performed. The more the information gathered about the target, the more the probability to obtain relevant results. Information gathering is not just a phase of security testing; it is an art that every penetration-tester (pen-tester) and hacker should master for a better experience in penetration testing. There are various tools, techniques, and websites, including public sources such as Whois, nslookup that can help hackers to gather information. This step is necessary because while performing attacks on any target, You may need any information (such as his pet name, best friend's name, his age, or phone number to perform password guessing attack or other kinds of attacks).

Information gathering can be classified into three major categories:

Getting Info...

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