Mostly, people talk about hacking from the attacking point of view and deal with logical security. Still, physical security is also a matter of concern from both malicious hackers and penetration tester's point of view. Penetration testing against physical targets is also a common phase of testing.
What is Physical Security?
Physical security can be defined as the protection and concern regarding information-related assets storage devices, hard drives, computers, organization's machines, and laptops and servers. The protection is mainly taken care of real-world threats and crimes such as unauthorized access, natural disasters like fire and flood, a human-made disaster like theft, etc. And so this type of security requires physical controls such as locks, protective barriers, in-penetrable walls and doors, uninterrupted power supply, and or security personnel for protecting private and sensitive data that are stored in servers.
Information Security vs. Physical Security
Both the term has a conceptual difference. Information security generally deals with protecting information from unauthorized access, disclosure, illegal use, or modification of information, recording, copying, or destroying information. Information security is based on a logical domain, whereas physical security is based on the physical domain.
Objectives of Physical Security
Factors on Which Physical Security Vulnerabilities Depend
Any hack may result in success, despite the security if the attacker gets access to the organization's building or data-center who is looking for a physical security vulnerability. In small companies and organizations, this problem may be less. But other factors on which physical security vulnerabilities depend may be as follows:
Attack Points to Compromise Physical Security
Hackers think like real masterminds and find exploits in buildings for physical unauthorized access. From the attacker's point of view, the tactics to compromise physical security are:
Layers of Physical Security
Physical security depends on the layer defense model like that of information security. Layers are implemented at the perimeter and moving toward an asset. These layers are:
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
It is a discipline that outlines how the proper design of a real scenario can mitigate crime and hacking by directly affecting human behavior. This concept was developed in the 1960s and is still used mainly to prevent from social engineering. It has three main strategies, namely:
Risk Assessment
Both physical intruders and cybercriminals have the same motive as money, social agenda, etc. Also, intruders try to seek opportunities to exploit by any means. So these three terms - motive, opportunity, and means are listed together to make a formula whose calculation is resulted in the total risk i.e.
Countermeasures and Protection Techniques
Physical security has the fact that security controls are often reactive. From a security point of view, other experts need to be involved during the design, assessment, and retrofitting stages. Other than that the security measures that must be taken are:
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